
[Тут должна быть подпись]

Интервью с Люком Хемсвортом:

You mention your kids. Your brother, Chris, and his wife Elsa Pataky, recently welcomed a daughter, India. Have you gotten to give him any parenting adivce?
I actually made him a little video on how to wrap her up so that she can’t get her arms out [of the blanket.] He had a bit of trouble with her — she’s a bit of a Houdini. So I made a little video of how we wrap up our baby, but he said she still escaped! (laughs) As a parent you go through a whole lot of really tough things, and you kind of want other parents to experience those tough things as payback — especially when it’s your brother. You need them to be awake half the night and realize all the complaining that I’ve done over the years about getting no sleep and having to deal with all the trials and tribulations. I actually try to give him as little advice as possible. Or lead him in the wrong direction –that’s a lot of fun too.
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@темы: interview

02.07.2012 в 18:15

Kneel, bitches! (c) sincerely Loki
but he said she still escaped!
я любить эту девочку! :lol::lol::lol:
Or lead him in the wrong direction –that’s a lot of fun too.
Хемсворты, why so perfect? :lol:
02.07.2012 в 18:22

[Тут должна быть подпись]
:lol: Индия прям бунтарка.
02.07.2012 в 18:25

Kneel, bitches! (c) sincerely Loki
petite_fleur, черт, я хочу фанфик на эту тему! :lol:
02.07.2012 в 22:37

хочу спасти мир!
Хэмсворты, спасибо, что вы есть:heart:
03.07.2012 в 04:14

Ааааааааааааа, эта семья прекрасна!!!!!!! :inlove::inlove::inlove:
Кажется, Люк нравится мне еще больше, чем Крис :lol::lol::lol: